ERA Gallery is thrilled to announce 'The Sun at its Zenith,' a solo exhibition by Caterina Sammartino curated by Domenico de Chirico, on show in Milan from April 15th 2024  to May 18th, with the artist present at the opening.


"The sun, that most luminous and illustrious of the stars which dwell in the sky, through its prodigious and inexhaustible cascades of energy, continually gives life to the earth. Restless and incandescent, it emanates a strength which warms us and ‘feels like home,’ making sure that both on the ground upon which we walk and in the air that we breathe, the balance of the seasons unfolds timelessly. Indeed, without the sun the earth would be but a barren rock floating frozen in space. In fact, the sun’s interrelation with the earth is not dissimilar to the conception of the ‘other’, understood as an unreachable beyond, that which is most high. Even though relatively explicable in contrast with the beyond that remains unknown, the sun is the ‘other’ that, even though distinct from us, nourishes and quenches us thanks to its heat. 


Both the delicate question of the infinite - that unavoidable immensity which cloaks our terrestrial globe - and the mystery of what lies beyond the beyond, constitute the visceral and aulic foundation of the research of the young Roman artist Caterina Sammartino."

- Courtesy of Domenico de Chirico