23 Jun - 28 Jul 2023ERA Gallery is thrilled to announce our first artistic residency program at our Milan gallery, for our Los Angeles based artist Katja Farin. Located in the heart of Milan’s most...Read more -
Katja Farin
Soft Exit: works on paper 2 Dec 2021 - 20 Jan 2022ERA Gallery is pleased to announce Soft Exit: works on paper, the gallery's second solo exhibition with Kaja Farin. On view in Milan from December 2 – January 20, 2022Read more -
Katja Farin
Growth in Absence. Curated by Silvia Bignami and Giorgio Zanchetti 15 Sep - 18 Nov 2021It is starting from an awareness of his own means and from a visual, and properly historical-artistic, not indifferent culture that KF structures the energetic immediacy of her compositions. The...Read more